Palliative Care

Stay At Home

Dr Barry Fatovich works for the Silver Chain Palliative Care Service. The role involves working with Silver Chain Palliative Care nurses and helping people who wish to die at home to stay at home. This means doing home visits to understand what is going on with the disease and the patient. The task is to keep people comfortable and pain free by using medications and assessing their symptoms to achieve best control. The Silver Chain team has a mix of health professionals to help patients and their loved ones adjust to what is happening.

It is about helping people through the dying process and also about helping people make the most of the time that they have.

Palliative Care

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Lockridge Medical Centre

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00am – 5.30pm

Saturday 8.30am – 1.00pm

Sunday 9.30am – 4.30pm

Public Holidays closed