Diabetes Health Care

What is diabetes?

Diabetes Australia defines diabetes as the inability of the body to maintain a healthy level of glucose in the blood.

Common symptoms include:

Being more thirsty than usual
Passing more urine
Feeling tired and lethargic
Always feeling hungry
Having cuts that heal slowly
Itching, skin infections
Blurred vision
Unexplained weight loss (type 1)
Gradually putting on weight (type 2)
Mood swings
Feeling dizzy
Leg cramps

In type 1 diabetes, symptoms are often sudden and can be life-threatening; therefore it is usually diagnosed quite quickly. In Type 2 diabetes, many people have no symptoms at all, while other signs can go unnoticed being seen as part of ‘getting older’.

Therefore, by the time symptoms are noticed, complications of diabetes may already be present.
Note: This information is of a general nature only and should not be substituted for medical advice or used to alter medical therapy. It does not replace consultations with qualified healthcare professionals to meet your individual medical needs.

This information is from – https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/what-is-diabetes

Yearly Checkups = Essential!

The World Health Organization recommends that all diabetics have at least one review every twelve months. It is very Important we complete blood tests with this review so we can compare your progress from previous periods. The aim is to prevent complications before they occur i.e. amputations, wounds, kidney disease, eye damage, erectile dysfunction, nerve damage.

Developed with your doctor, your Annual Cycle of Care is a document that gives details of your diabetes management strategies, goals and targets. It also serves as a reminder as to when you are due for important tests, such as eye tests or kidney function tests.  Diabetes changes over time, so what helps you manage your diabetes today may not be as effective next year. Regularly revisiting your Annual Cycle of Care with your doctor will allow you to discuss adjustments to your care, which in turn can help to identify problems early on and reduce your risk of serious complications. (from Diabetes WA)

Your Annual Cycle of Care can include information on your:
    • blood glucose levels (BGLs) and target ranges
    • BMI and weight
    • HbA1c and target ranges
    • blood pressure and target ranges
    • cholesterol and target ranges
    • eye health
    • foot health
    • kidney function
    • current diet and future healthy eating goals
    • current physical activity levels and future goals
    • smoking status and plans for quitting (if you smoke)

Call us on (08) 6278 2555 to schedule your yearly checkup and check your progress.

Diabetes Health Care

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Quality Care since 1978

Lockridge Medical Centre

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm

Saturday 8.30am – 1.00pm

Saturday 8.30am – 4.00pm (Every Fortnight)

Sunday 9.00am – 4.00pm

Public Holidays closed

Weekend Opening Hours are subject to change